Aesthetic Preset Tutorial on Lightroom Mobile For Beginners

Aesthetic Preset Tutorial on Lightroom Mobile For Beginners

Do you want to learn how to create Aesthetic Preset on Lightroom? Aesthetic preset is one of my premium presets. It is a pre-defined set of photo editing settings used on Lightroom, designed to quickly apply a specific visual style to an image, often aiming for a visually pleasing or “aesthetically pleasing” look with specific…

How to Create Faded Black and White Preset on Lightroom mobile

How to Create Faded Black and White Preset on Lightroom mobile

Welcome to, a blog where I share my Lightroom Tutorials and procedures in creating presets on mobile. If you have been searching for how to create the Faded black and White Preset on Lightroom, then you are in the right place. Kindly bookmark this page and always come back for more tutorials. This Faded…

How to create JOMAR Preset on Lightroom mobile (beginner's guide)

How to create JOMAR Preset on Lightroom mobile

Do you want to learn how to create the Jomar Preset on your Lightroom app? In we teach you how to create Lightroom presets files from scratch, whether you are a beginner or an intermediate and have no prior knowledge to Lightroom photo editing. What are Lightroom Presets? Lightroom presets are saved groups of…

How To Create Brownies Lightroom Preset (Beginner's guide)

How To Create Brownies Lightroom Preset (Beginner’s guide)

What are Brownies Lightroom Preset? These are predefined settings made by editors to save time of photo editing. With just one click you can apply these predefined settings to your pictures/images. The well-known preset Brownies was made by Philippine editor named Erno Ybañez. Its distinctive brown style helped it gain popularity. Even those who have…

Tutorial on How to Create Kreme Brown Preset on Lightroom

Tutorial on How to Create Kreme Brown Preset on Lightroom

Kreme Brown Preset: A Lightroom preset is a pre-defined collection of editing settings that you can apply on your pictures with one click. Adjustments to exposure, contrast, saturation, color grading, and blur can all be found in presets. Benefit of using Presets for editing is because of fast image enhancement, consistent photo editing, time savings,…

How to Create a Skyfall Preset from Scratch: A Beginner’s Guide

How to Create Skyfall Preset from Scratch: A Beginner’s Guide

Skyfall Preset: A Lightroom preset is a pre-stored collection of editing settings that may be clicked to apply to images. Adjustments to exposure, contrast, saturation, color grading, and blur can all be found in presets. Fast image enhancement, consistent photo editing, time savings, inspiration, and trying out new features are all possible with presets. Skyfall…

How to Create Frozen Preset on Lightroom Mobile (Step-by-Step Guide)

How to Create Frozen Preset on Lightroom Mobile (Step-by-Step Guide)

Frozen preset is a set of photo-editing settings that can transform images into winter scenes with cool, frosty tones. Presets are groups of pre-defined settings that can apply adjustments to photos. This includes changes to exposure, contrast, saturation, and color grading. It was originated by Jeff Phillip a photoshop experts. Lightroom Presets are primarily used…

How to Create Bonita Preset as a Beginner on Lightroom Mobile

How to Create Bonita Preset as a Beginner on Lightroom Mobile

One of the Lightroom presets, Bonita preset, was made by Erno Ybañez, a Filipino photo editor who has produced numerous presets. Although I’ve described how to make the Bonita preset in this post, he sells them on his website. These presets were created to speed up and simplify editing. You may improve your photos or…